Resultado da pesquisa (3)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Eurides D.

#1 - Immunomagnetic method associated with MesenCult® medium to obtain bone marrow mononuclear cells from rabbits negative for CD45 monoclonal antibody, 36(4):339-344

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Souza L.A., Silva L.A.F., Oliveira B.J.N.A., Lacerda E.P.S., Beletti M.E., Lima A.P., Dias T.A. & Eurides D. 2016. [Immunomagnetic method associated with MesenCult® medium to obtain bone marrow mononuclear cells from rabbits negative for CD45 monoclonal antibody.] Método imunomagnético associado ao meio MesenCult® na obtenção de células mononucleares da medula óssea de coelhos negativas para o anticorpo monoclonal CD45. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(4):339-344. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Escola de Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Samambaia, Avenida Esperança s/n, Campus Samambaia, Goiânia, GO 74690-900, Brazil. E-mail: The objective of this study was to describe guidelines for the isolation of bone marrow mononuclear cells from rabbits, followed by cell purification by negative depletion with CD45 monoclonal antibody, and further expansion in MesenCult® medium. Ten adult male New Zealand White rabbits, age average of 1.0±0.2 years and weighting 3.5±0.24kg, were used to obtain a standardized method. The mononuclear cells of the bone marrow were isolated with Ficoll-paque® density gradient centrifugation, and the cell purification and acquisition was completed by negative depletion with CD45 monoclonal antibody in immunomagnetic base. The cell population obtained was expanded in MesenCult® medium. Through isolation with Ficoll-paque® density gradient was possible to obtain an average yield of 7.31x106 cells/mL. After purification and acquisiton of potential mesenchymal stem cells by the immunomagnetic base, there was a yield decrease to 2.28x106 cells/mL; however the expansion process was increased in cell culture. The results indicated that cells obtained from the mononuclear fraction of bone marrow and cultivated in vitro were capable to generate adherent cells 24 hours after culture, with predominance of fibroblastoid cells suggestive of mesenchymal stem cells. It can be concluded that mesenchymal stem cells can be achieved with purified rabbit bone marrow mononuclear cells through the immunomagnetic method, as the MesenCult® medium provides a suitable environment for a quick in vitro expansion, and the number of passages exerts negative influence on the morphological characteristics.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Souza L.A., Silva L.A.F., Oliveira B.J.N.A., Lacerda E.P.S., Beletti M.E., Lima A.P., Dias T.A. & Eurides D. 2016. [Immunomagnetic method associated with MesenCult® medium to obtain bone marrow mononuclear cells from rabbits negative for CD45 monoclonal antibody.] Método imunomagnético associado ao meio MesenCult® na obtenção de células mononucleares da medula óssea de coelhos negativas para o anticorpo monoclonal CD45. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(4):339-344. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Escola de Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Samambaia, Avenida Esperança s/n, Campus Samambaia, Goiânia, GO 74690-900, Brazil. E-mail: O objetivo detse artigo é de descrever um protocolo de isolamento das células mononucleares da medula óssea de coelhos, seguido de purificação celular por depleção negativa com o anticorpo monoclonal CD45 e posterior expansão em meio de cultura MesenCult®. Dez coelhos machos adultos, da raça Nova Zelândia, com idade média de 1,0±0,2 anos e peso médio 3,5±0,24kg, foram utilizados para padronização da metodologia. O isolamento das células mononuclares da medula óssea foi realizado pelo gradiente de densidade Ficoll-paque® e a purificação e obtenção das células- pela depleção negativa com o anticorpo monoclonal CD45 em base imunomagnética. A população celular obtida foi expandida posteriormente em meio de cultura MesenCult®. No isolamento pelo gradiente de icoll-Paque® foi obtido um rendimento médio de 7,31x106 células/mL. Após purificação e obtenção das possíveis células-tronco mesenquimais pela base imunomagnética, houve um decréscimo do rendimento para 2,28x106 células/mL, mas o processo de expansão foi incrementado pelo cultivo celular. Os resultados indicaram que as células obtidas da fração mononuclear da medula óssea, cultivadas in vitro foram capazes de gerar células aderentes 24 horas após o cultivo, com predominância de células fibroblastóides sugestivas de células-tronco mesenquimais. Concluiu-se que a obtenção de células-tronco mesenquimais pode ser alcançada após purificação das células mononucleares da medula óssea de coelhos pelo método imunomagético, o meio de cultura MesenCult® proporciona um ambiente adequado para a rápida expansão in vitro e o número de passagens exerce influência negativa sobre as características morfológicas das células.

#2 - Implante de cartilagem auricular autóloga no reparo de desvio de pênis de bovinos, p.258-262

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Eurides D., Silva L.A.F., Daleck C.R., Fioravanti M.C., Gonçalves G.F., Silva O.F. & Nadri A.B. 2009. [Implantation of the autologous auricular cartilagem in the repair of penile deviation in cattle.] Implante de cartilagem auricular autóloga no reparo de desvio de pênis de bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):258-262. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Av. Pará 1720, Campus Umuarama, Uberlândia, MG 38400-902, Brazil. E-mail: Eighteen 18 to 24-month-old mixed breed bullocks were submitted to removal of the apical ligament of the penis to induce penile deviation. After 60 days from the surgery the steers were put together with cows in heat. A ventral and right lateral penis deviation leading to incapacity to copulate was observed. The bullocks were then submitted to an autolgous transplant of a cartilage segment from the ear pinna placed on top of the tunica albuginea, replacing the penile ligament apical tha had been removed. The implanted material was well tolerated; histologically with only infiltration few mononuclear cells, polymorpho nucleated cells and giant cells, and fibrosis, which caused strong adherence and provided ability to sustain the free penile extremity. The bullocks that were cows in heat did not show any degree of penile deviation nor any change in sexual behavior. The surgical method described here was shown to be satisfactory as to be indicated for correction of ventral and right lateral penile deviation in bullocks.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Eurides D., Silva L.A.F., Daleck C.R., Fioravanti M.C., Gonçalves G.F., Silva O.F. & Nadri A.B. 2009. [Implantation of the autologous auricular cartilagem in the repair of penile deviation in cattle.] Implante de cartilagem auricular autóloga no reparo de desvio de pênis de bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(3):258-262. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Av. Pará 1720, Campus Umuarama, Uberlândia, MG 38400-902, Brazil. E-mail: Eighteen 18 to 24-month-old mixed breed bullocks were submitted to removal of the apical ligament of the penis to induce penile deviation. After 60 days from the surgery the steers were put together with cows in heat. A ventral and right lateral penis deviation leading to incapacity to copulate was observed. The bullocks were then submitted to an autolgous transplant of a cartilage segment from the ear pinna placed on top of the tunica albuginea, replacing the penile ligament apical tha had been removed. The implanted material was well tolerated; histologically with only infiltration few mononuclear cells, polymorpho nucleated cells and giant cells, and fibrosis, which caused strong adherence and provided ability to sustain the free penile extremity. The bullocks that were cows in heat did not show any degree of penile deviation nor any change in sexual behavior. The surgical method described here was shown to be satisfactory as to be indicated for correction of ventral and right lateral penile deviation in bullocks.

#3 - Enfermidades digitais em vacas de aptidão leiteira: associação com mastite clínica, metrites e aspectos epidemiológicos

Abstract in English:

Silva L.A.F., Fioravanti M.C.S., Trindade B.R., Silva O.C., Eurides D., Cunha P.H.J., Silva M.L. & Moura M.I. 2004.[Foot diseases in dairy cows: association with clinical mastitis, metrites and predisposing factors.] Enfermidades digitais em vacas de aptidão leiteira: associação com mastite clínica, metrites e aspectos epidemiológicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(4):217-222. Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cx. Postal 131, Goiânia, GO 74001-970, Brazil. E-mail: With the objective to investigate a possible association between foot diseases, clinical mastitis and/or metritis and predisposing factors for foot diseases, 5300 dairy cows from 80 intensive and semi-intensive farms were used. In 325 (6.13%) cows only foot disease was diagnosed, in 35 (0.66%) foot disease and clinical mastitis, in 52 (0.98%) foot disease and metritis, in 28 (0.53%) foot disease, clinical mastitis and metritis, in 128 (2.42%) only metritis, in 165 (3.11%) only clinical mastitis, and in 89 (1.68%) cows metritis and clinical mastitis. Rapid changes in the diet, high exposure time of hoof horn to slurry and wet conditions, concrete floors, use of footbaths, low frequency of claw trimming, irregular quarantine, and no attention to health aspects during acquisition of the animals were considered as major risk factors for the occurrence of those diseases. The McNemar test for dependent samples showed significant statistical differences between the occurrence of foot disease, clinical mastitis and metritis, in spite of the poor association between those diseases. It was concluded that there was no expressive relationship between foot diseases, clinical mastitis and metritis in lactent cows.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Silva L.A.F., Fioravanti M.C.S., Trindade B.R., Silva O.C., Eurides D., Cunha P.H.J., Silva M.L. & Moura M.I. 2004.[Foot diseases in dairy cows: association with clinical mastitis, metrites and predisposing factors.] Enfermidades digitais em vacas de aptidão leiteira: associação com mastite clínica, metrites e aspectos epidemiológicos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(4):217-222. Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cx. Postal 131, Goiânia, GO 74001-970, Brazil. E-mail: With the objective to investigate a possible association between foot diseases, clinical mastitis and/or metritis and predisposing factors for foot diseases, 5300 dairy cows from 80 intensive and semi-intensive farms were used. In 325 (6.13%) cows only foot disease was diagnosed, in 35 (0.66%) foot disease and clinical mastitis, in 52 (0.98%) foot disease and metritis, in 28 (0.53%) foot disease, clinical mastitis and metritis, in 128 (2.42%) only metritis, in 165 (3.11%) only clinical mastitis, and in 89 (1.68%) cows metritis and clinical mastitis. Rapid changes in the diet, high exposure time of hoof horn to slurry and wet conditions, concrete floors, use of footbaths, low frequency of claw trimming, irregular quarantine, and no attention to health aspects during acquisition of the animals were considered as major risk factors for the occurrence of those diseases. The McNemar test for dependent samples showed significant statistical differences between the occurrence of foot disease, clinical mastitis and metritis, in spite of the poor association between those diseases. It was concluded that there was no expressive relationship between foot diseases, clinical mastitis and metritis in lactent cows.

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